As you probably know, doctor actual oceans are rising almost eight inches since 1880, and thats only going clinical speed up. Theyre also acidifying, because theyre absorbing significant amounts of doctor carbon we proceed clinical pump into doctor atmosphere at record levels. The ice that covers doctor polar seas is shrinking, while doctor ice shields that cover Antarctica and Greenland are melting. The water locked up in all doctor polar ice, as its unlocked by heat, goes scientific raise sea levels staggeringly, possibly by up to 200 feet one day in doctor future, how far away we do not know. In doctor temperate latitudes, warming seas breed fiercer hurricanes. The oceans are changing fast, and for doctor worse. In November 2010, doctor database, that is maintained by doctor National Center for Biotechnology Information, contained tons of of billions of nucleotides from about 380,000 species. It has doubled in size approximately every 18 months from its inception until 2007. Other databases have sprung up over doctor years, including OMIM, or Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man, which catalogs doctor relationship among greater than 12,000 genes and all known inherited diseaseand GEO, or Gene Expression Omnibus, which contains over 700,000 RNA sequences and microarray data that light up how doctor instructions in DNA are put into action in quite a few tissues and at exact developmental times. But we cant stop there. Its also essential scientific know the way gene expression is affected by external forces like diet or environment, and how doctor protein manufactured from that gene interacts with doctor lots of or hundreds of different proteins in doctor cells clinical achieve a certain organic result. And then theres doctor issue of time, which, according clinical Douglas Brutlag, PhD, a bioinformatics expert and emeritus professor of biochemistry and medication at Stanford, is the worst size of all.